Deepen relationships with Jesus through generosity.

Help the church understand and implement a biblical approach to generosity through classes, counseling, and coaching.
Chris Lightfoot, Good News Church Generosity Coach


Curriculum and topics tailored to the needs of the church but always founded in scripture and a clear understanding of biblical stewardship.

Free one on one or small group counseling that may range from debt reduction to legacy planning.

Helping to increase your capacity using your time, talents, and treasures to have a greater impact the Kingdom of God.

Chris has been in financial services as an advisor and educator since 2008. He has a passion to see clients steward their money well, increase their capacity for generosity, and give of their time, talents, and treasure toward the people and purposes for which they care most.
Chris serves the community in various capacities: The Ohio Director for the National Christian Foundation; Financial Advisor/Charitable Giving Specialist at Collaborative Financial Partners; on the steering committee for The Philip Heit Center for Healthy New Albany; and on the boards of Cornerstone Academy, Columbus Humanities Arts and Technology Academy, and Design Outreach in New Albany, Ohio.
He is a graduate of Faith Baptist Bible College and earned his MBA from the University of Colorado. Chris and his wife, Meghann, met while teaching high school together in Colorado Springs, CO in 2009. They have two boys, Elias and Bennett, and all four love spending time with friends and extended family, playing, traveling, and enjoying God’s creation.
God owns it all

generous living

ron blue institute
The Ron Blue Institute seeks to be a thought leader with great influence committed to changing the way Christians think, act, and communicate about financial stewardship, empowering the church, and changing the world. The Ron Blue Institute delivers Biblically-based financial wisdom to the body of Christ by providing thought leadership and content through church, professional, consumer, and academic channels. At the Ron Blue Institute we see a tremendous opportunity to use Biblical financial wisdom to reveal to a skeptical and unbelieving world that God’s word is authoritative at all times for all financial planning and decision making by providing supernatural wisdom for the process, timeless and transcendent principles for the decisions, and contentment at all times under all circumstances. Our model is teaching principles and processes (how to fish), instead of prescriptions (giving them a fish). We know that the wisdom in the Bible is always right, always relevant, and never going to change.
generous giving
Founded in 2000 by The Maclellan Foundation, Generous Giving's mission is to spread the biblical message of generosity in order to grow generous givers among those entrusted with much. It was launched with a vision to stir a renewed, spirit-led commitment to generosity among followers of Christ through conversation. These conversations consistently allow us and our friends to discover joy in ways we didn't expect.
Our commitment is to provide safe, solicitation-free environments. We never seek donations, permit solicitation at our events, or award grants.